Liz to Stand

Media Release -1 August 2024

Pakenham local Liz Roberts will be standing as an independent community candidate at the upcoming Council elections in October 2024.

The former Journalist, Social Planner, researcher and communications adviser wants to listen to the local community and advocate strongly for local needs.

“I have the community of Pakenham at the heart of all I do so I feel I can take that focus to the role of representing the Henty ward community as Councillor and as a representative of Cardinia Shire in its entirety,” she said.

“I’m really keen to hear from locals about their lives and experiences.”

While I’ve got ideas about how I can represent the community I most importantly want to listen.”

Liz has been involved in the Pakenham community for nearly two decades.  She is currently President of Pakenham & District Toy Library and volunteers with Paddy’s Kitchen (food relief). She has led young people in her Church community, tutored at Cardinia U3A and been Vice President of a local School Council and a kindergarten committee.

She has previously advocated to Council for local footpaths and crossings and is never shy to pick up the phone and ask a question of Council.

“I have a passion for the link between infrastructure and wellbeing, so for example footpaths and crossings to get around are just a basic provision a council should be ensuring is there, but in a growth area that isn’t always the case, for various reasons,” she said.

Her views are informed by her work and study as a social planner and researcher.

Liz sees some key areas of advocacy she will focus on:

  •  Quality and ‘value for money’ services from Council – the basics, done right

  • Additional support for our local community groups and volunteers

  • Quality infrastructure for our growing community - Cardinia Life Revitalisation Strategy actioned, improved walking/cycling paths and crossings, PB Ronald Reserve Masterplan progressed, Youth Centre solution and completion, good parks and playgrounds.

  • Support for our people – families, teens, seniors and those needing additional support to ‘live well’.

  • Support for local businesses

Liz has been a Journalist, Social Planner, researcher and communications adviser - who has worked in local and state government, media and not-for-profit sectors; and provided business support to a family business.

“I feel I have the knowledge, skills and experience to be able to contribute to quality decision making for Pakenham’s future,” Liz said.

Liz is a wife and a mum, raising kids in a growth area with all the challenges that come with it. Her family are involved in the arts, scouts and netball locally. 

She recently completed the Women Leading Locally Governance program to prepare herself to be a Councillor to represent Henty Ward.  Liz holds an industry leading qualification in Community Engagement and is a member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia.

Liz was awarded Cardinia Shire Citizen of the Year 2024.

She completed an Interfaith Fellowship in 2014 to gain a greater understanding of the varied faith perspectives in the diverse Outer South-East Region.

“Our community has really evolved culturally as it has grown over the last 20 years.

“Despite the challenges of being a growth community I believe there is so much opportunity, and I really want to focus on getting resources we need for everyone to have a good quality of life, locally.”



Liz Roberts  - phone 0437481 061


Authorised by: L. Roberts. PO Box 85, Pakenham 3810

This media release appeared in press as Liz Roberts announces run for Council -Pakenham Gazette 7 August 2024

Council’s Pedestrian and Bicycle strategy due for revisit 1 October 2024

The Cardinia Shire Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategy, which was adopted in 2017 desperately needs a review.

When elected as Henty Ward Councillor I’ll be pushing for this to happen.

In Henty Ward so many people rely on walking as their transport – to get to the train, to get to the shops and to walk to kindergarten or school.

Walking and cycling are the forms of transport many people use if they don’t have access to a car or a bus stop nearby or if they simply live a short distance from services.  They need to be given the respect they deserve. 

The COVID pandemic and cost of living pressures have changed how many people get around and Council policy needs to reflect this.

Quality local footpaths and crossings are infrastructure Council is responsible for providing and I want to see Council working on paths and crossings in a strategic manner.

I have been involved in successfully advocating for a pedestrian crossing in Pakenham’s north so understand the challenges to get this infrastructure into the Council budget.

 Active travel is also key domain in Council’s Liveability Plan (Municipal Health plan). It’s in the plan but it needs to happen.

Walking and cycling have the two-fold benefits of being good for your health as well as getting you where you might want to go.

Walking was the most common physical activity undertaken for exercise by respondents to Council’s Active Cardinia Strategy community survey (undertaken 2022), with cycling third.

The pause on the Main St project is also an opportunity to very briefly review pedestrian safety in the township.

Traders have reported seeing near misses for pedestrians on the central crossing near the Mr Yakkerboo and Blue statue and I’ve seen pedestrian and cars struggling to understand who has right of way on the John St/Main St roundabout.

If you can move safely and easily in a shopping precinct you are more likely stretch your journey to call into just one more business.

 If there are good accessible car parks matched with good paths for those who need to move from vehicles to walk with mobility aids, people can shop independently.

Mobility scooters need to be considered in the planning, along with paths meeting all accessibility standards.

Walking and cycling are important to me.

Vote 1 Liz Roberts, Candidate Henty Ward, Henty at Heart

Authorised: L. Roberts, PO Box 85, Pakenham 3810

Parts of this statement appeared in the Pakenham Officer Star News 3 October, 2024 page 1 and 4 under the headline ‘Desperate’ need and Calls for review of paths.

My views on the Main Street were reported Candidates debate future of Main Street (Pakenham News) 11/10/2024